
Foxit takes on the eBook world with low(er) cost eSlick

Never mind those eBay prices for the Kindle, and don't pay any attention to the $399 sticker attached to Sony's Reader -- instead, feast your eyes on this gem. The $259 eSlick is expected to arrive courtesy of Foxit this January, and if you jump in early, you'll be able to get it for just $229. Sure, it doesn't include that fancy connectivity like on the Kindle, but we suspect you'll get over the lack of subscriptions pretty quick given all the coin you'll save up front. The unit is said to be around the size "of a medium paperback," checking in at 0.4-inches think and featuring a 6-inch 800 x 600 resolution display. The panel itself is made by the same firm that provides panels for Amazon, and it'll ship with 128MB of inbuilt memory along with a 2GB SD card. As for longevity, you can expect to get about 8,000 turns before it caves from exhaustion, and if your eyes tire, the unit can double as an MP3 player. Lookie here -- we just found you the perfect device to spend your holiday card money on. You're welcome.

[Via PC World]