Toshiba misses another consumer fuel-cell launch date as expected
It's the end of March and you know what that means? No Toshiba fuel cell battery charger for you, that's what. Toshiba's launch of the first direct methanol fuel cell-based (DMFC) charger for your miscellaneous gadgets has been delayed "a few months" due to problems in acquiring unspecified components. Why do we care? Easy, DMFCs produce electricity via chemical reaction between methanol, water, and air. When the power runs out you just top-off the methanol or drop in a new cartridge and you're good to go. Also, this DMFC charger is just the first step towards DMFC batteries for cellphones and laptops that Toshiba says are still on track to launch before the end of March 2010. Not that we'd be surprised by further delay -- we've been hanging on to the promise of fuel-cell battery launches for years now... what's another slip.