
Two Bosses Enter: Ionar vs. Xevozz

Two Bosses Enter ... but only One Boss Leaves, in's series of fantasy death matches. Welcome to Round Two of the five-man Wrath of the Lich King season. Grab a seat, and let's get ready to rumble!

Energy sweeps the Thunderdome this week as Ionar of the Halls of Lightning confronts Xevozz from the Violet Hold. Mage-Lord Urom gave Xevozz a bit of a struggle in Xevozz's first-bracket match, while Ionar easily overcame Ichoron in his own shot at a berth in this round. Which boss will zap the other's strength this week?

Time for a quick review of the standard Two Bosses Thunderdome ground rules:

  • Assume that the opponents along with their minions share similar levels, health pools and comparative overall damage output.

  • This deathmatch takes place on neutral territory, which shall in no way hinder either combatant from using his or her usual battle abilities.

  • All the usual minions will be available to each boss.

  • Don't get caught up in gameplay mechanics and what actual players might do in each encounter.

  • Don't neglect style, story and scale.

And now, the weekly Thunderdome call-out: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls ... Dyin' time's here.

Ionar (Halls of Lightning)
You wish to confront the master? You must weather the storm!

Ionar is a lightning revenant and the third boss encountered in the Halls of Lightning. He periodically disperses into smaller Sparks of Ionar during battle, which crawl inexorably toward opponents and increase the range of his lightning effect.

Read more about Ionar's battle tactics and review player comments about the fight.

Back in business! Now to execute an exit strategy.

Xevozz is an Ethereal imprisoned in the Violet Hold. He is known for his summoned spheres of arcane energy, which feed his power and cause him to enrage.

Read more about Xevozz's combat tactics, and pick up additional tips from players who've fought him.

The Two Bosses Enter smackdown
Two Boss matchups are about substance and style, not game play and mechanics. Don't get swept up into thinking about how players would react -- there are no players in the Thunderdome. No game-mechanic nitpicking! Vote for the spirit of the battle as set forth above. Set aside differences in opponents' health pools, game level and actual damage output.

Who wins, and why? We'll see you down below in the comments. Can you come up with a convincing scenario that will sway other readers to your point of view?


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Round Two of the five-man Wrath of the Lich King season to help us determine who rocks Wrath's five-man world.