
One Shots: We don't need no water

Ever get tired of dealing with "pick up these things and bring x amount of them to me" type quests in World of Warcraft? Well, if you have, may we recommend Soulara's method of dealing with it? Pick up a flamethrower and torch things into next year! Sure, whatever it was won't get to whomever it was supposed to and you might wipe out a lot of trees in the process, but it's a great stress release. Really, more MMOs need flamethrowers, we think. Anyway, our opinion tendered, we move on to the note attached to Soulara's bright World of Warcraft One Shots image: "[Here's a screenshot of my character] toasting up some supply boxes in Stonetalon Mountains with the nifty flamethrower."

If you've found a new favorite weapon or toy, why not take a screenshot of you using it and email it in to us here at Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a note about what makes that particular screenshot so awesome. You never know -- it may wind up being the next one we feature here on Massively!