
Toshiba Regza 32BC3 HDTV features power saving button, destined for Japanese shores

The latest member of Toshiba Regza family of HDTVs, the 32BC3, just had it's pretty little IPS face revealed in Japan. Unlike most sets you see these days, this 32-incher sports only a 1,366 × 768 panel. But what makes the BC3 special isn't its resolution, its the ability to conserve power by dramatically dropping the brightness (supposedly with out sacrificing image quality) with just the push of a button. Pressing the power save button on the remote drops the brightness by 50-percent, press it again and it dips down 75-percent. The Regza 32BC3 will land on shelves in Japan this September for around ¥ 65,000 (about $830). And, as usual with these slightly odd sets out of the land of the rising sun, there's no word of when (if ever) this will make it state-side.