
Cellular South renamed C Spire Wireless, becomes Puff Daddy of regional carriers

We were expecting something big to come out of Cellular South this coming Monday, but we definitely didn't anticipate the company going all Diddy Dirty Money on us. Letting the cat out of the bag a few days early, the regional carrier is re-branding itself as C Spire. The name is apparently inspired by the company's dedication to customized wireless services, and will become official Monday with a new website: The new service includes an app recommendation program, known as Scout, a rewards program called Percs, "social media integration," and customer service initiatives known as Pulse and Circle. This new name also ushers "personalized plans" with "infinite data," which C Spire's CEO, Hu Meena, points out is actually unlimited, with no nights-and-weekends-style restrictions -- except when it comes to streaming data (which will carry its own unique charges). He went on to say that the new services will come at no charge to existing Cellular South C Spire customers. And the whole shebang looks like it's going to be an opt-in affair.