London Evening Standard interviews Jony Ive
The London Evening Standard interviewed famed Apple designer Jonathan Ive. As the man credited with the industrial design of the iPod, iPhone and iPad, Ive's name is well-known, but his face is not as public as CEO Tim Cook or Phil Schiller. This exclusive interview paints a personal picture of Ive that we often don't see.
During the interview, Ive talks about his knighthood, London and, of course, his time at Apple. When asked about his earliest encounter with product design, Ive describes his first Mac:
It was when I first used a Mac - I'd gone through college in the Eighties using a computer and had a horrid experience. Then I discovered the Mac. It was such a dramatic moment and I remember it so clearly - there was a real sense of the people who made it.
You can read this and other gems from Sir Ive at the London Evening Standard's website.