
Foursquare's 'Always On' feature tracks your VIPs near or far, Android app regains nearby check-in filter

If you have an urge to always know what your close friends and family members are up to, then Foursquare has the remedy. The popular social network has announced the availability of its new "Always On" option which allows you to receive continuous check-ins from a selected list of people -- even if you have notifications disabled. This slick new feature gives you the flexibility to create a list of VIPs that you'd like to keep tabs on opposed to receiving a play by play of everyone else's weekend excursion. For now, the toggle can only be found on Foursquare's website, but we wouldn't be surprised if this toggle headed to the company's cadre of apps in the near future. The Android app specifically just received a new update that brings back the nearby friends check-in filter users lost in the upgrade to 5.0 (iOS and BlackBerry saw it return in August) plus a "social history" that shows if your friends have visited a location and how many times, as well as a redesigned me card.