Daily iPhone App: QatQi is a free word game that's different enough to try
QatQi is, I am almost sorry to say, a new word game on the App Store. To be quite honest, I'm tired of spelling things out on my iPad's screen. That's not to say that there aren't good word games out there. Spelltower and Puzzlejuice are two great recommendations, but it's easier than ever these days to get all word-gamed out. I still recommend QatQi. It doesn't exactly transcend its word game roots. It has a lot in common with crossword puzzles, which are some of the oldest word games out there, but it's stylish and well-designed enough that it's worth downloading and playing a few levels to see if you like it. As you can see in the video below, the biggest twist is that you're building words on a limited playing space. Not only do you need to arrange your letters in the right order, but you need to do so within a confined grid, trying to earn as many points as possible. QatQi (pronounced "cat-key") is free, which makes it all the more appetizing. There's a lot of content too: One puzzle for every day in a year, which is very impressive. The app's paid for with in-app purchases in the form of undos, but I found that there were plenty of free undos to be had before I had to spend anything. Even if you're as burned out on word games as I am, QatQi's still worth a look.