
Nintendo invites 3000 to watch the best get Smash-ed at E3 tourney

Nintendo is inviting 3000 fans to watch its Super Smash Bros. E3 invitational tournament live in Los Angeles next month. The event features mascot melee on Wii U between 16 select players, and while it is being live-streamed on Twitch, you can watch it in the flesh as long as you're prepared to get up early and wait a good long while.

Starting at 9:30AM on June 10, Nintendo is distributing 3000 wristbands from the Nokia Plaza at 777 Chick Hearn Court on a first-come first-served basis. That said, Nintendo requests no queues before Tuesday morning so there's no need to pack those sleeping bags. Then it's a wait until the afternoon with doors opening at 2:30PM and the tournament kicking off at 4PM.

If you fancy packing that Luigi costume you can't talk about in public, Nintendo says attendees who dress up as Smash characters may be sent to the front of the audience for maximum exposure. Wii Fit Trainer is taking the easy way out, though. You know it's true.

As for E3 itself, 2014's conference marks the second year Nintendo goes with a streamed Direct broadcast in lieu of the traditional live presentation. Super Smash Bros. is one of the games Nintendo is expected to showcase, with the franchise-spanning fighter due to hit 3DS this summer and Wii U in the winter.

[Image: Nintendo]