
Better swing and lower scores with Golf Training Guru

Golf Training Guru screenshots

You will find plenty of apps available claiming to be the best way to improve your golf game and end up with lower scores. Golf Training Guru is another one of those apps. The app is free right now under a "Special Launch Pricing Limited Offer" and runs on all your devices with iOS 4.3 or later. Although the app is currently free, it offers a number of in app purchases for more instructional videos. I did not find any mention of how long you can download the basic app for free.

The version I downloaded lists five areas under My Lessons with a total of thirteen short instructional videos. The five areas are The 12 Swing Principles, Top Ten Faults and Fixes, Driving, Distance, and Ball Control, Chipping and Bunker Mastering, and Putt Like a Pro.

Golf Training Guru screenshots

Under The Twelve Swing Principles the app only covers three of those, Perfect Posture, Good Grip vs Bad Grip, and Width of Stance. If you want to see the rest you need to purchase the complete video instructional series for US$12.99 or individual videos for US$1.99. The same holds true for the remaining four areas. Users can only see a couple of the instructional videos unless they make an in app purchase for the rest. Or you can purchase the entire five courses for US$29.99.

Golf Training Guru screenshots

I watched most of the free instructional videos. They are short but well shot and can be helpful. The information is reliable and offers some insight and tips that can, with practice, improve your game. For example one of the videos in the putting area discusses a drill that is intended to make you a better short putter.

The instructor places two tees at the front left and right edges of a hole on the practice green which narrows the space the ball can fall into the cup. The idea is to narrow the golfer's focus so he can consistently make putts in the smaller opening. That should make putting during a round with a normal hole that much easier.

Golf Training Guru screenshots

Overall I think beginning golfers will benefit from using the Golf Training Guru app without making any of the in app purchases however if you really want to delve into your golf swing and find ways to see major improvements you will need to open your wallet and buy the complete five lesson course. Or you can investigate further and check out other apps to find one that offers more complete swing instructions without a large fee attached.