
'Watch Dogs 2' patch adds a mystery to the game's ending

A new Easter egg points to a chip shop in London, for some reason.


Watch Dogs 2 has a new ending, and it might be teasing the location of the game's sequel. Ubisoft updated the hacker-themed action game last week, adding new emotes, dances and clothing. It also added this little hint:

"Without spoiling all of the fun in the patch notes, we'll just say that if you've finished the story you should replay the last mission to watch a little extra something at the end."

So, what happens if you replay the last mission? You get a modified ending with a new recorded phone conversation. You can see the new ending here (spoilers, obviously):

The recording's file name, "51.462014, -0112504.wav," is apparently a set of coordinates. If you plug those coordinates into a map, it leads you to Brixton, London. One Reddit user, DanniBee, says it's specifically the location of a restaurant called the Chip Shop. We hear it does a great surf 'n' turf for around £15.

Is this the location of Watch Dogs 3? In the new ending's audio recording, two men discuss how the hacktivist group DedSec has gone global. New cells are popping up in the Middle East, South America and, yes, Europe. Watch Dogs 2 takes place in San Francisco, so it's likely Ubisoft will choose a new location for the next part of the franchise. It's also possible this is a tease for some DLC or the upcoming Watch Dogs movie.

While Ubisoft hasn't verified the coordinates are an actual Easter egg, this isn't the first time it's planted clues about possible projects. One Watch Dogs 2 mission has players hack into the publisher's office to get a sneak peek at an unannounced Western-themed space game. Ubisoft hasn't confirmed such a game exists, and it's possible it was just poking fun at it's history of leaked announcements.