Gmail finally turns addresses and phone numbers into links
It certainly took time, but at least the feature's now available.
Next time someone emails you an address, you no longer have to copypaste it on Maps after viewing it on Gmail or Inbox. Google has rolled out an update that gives its mail apps the power to turn addresses, phone numbers and email addresses into hyperlinks. It's definitely a welcome addition, especially since most other mail apps have been making contact details easier to click for a long time now. Now, you can click addresses to look them up on Google Maps, email addresses to automatically open your default mail app's compose window and phone numbers to start a call on the default phone app if you're on mobile.
Addresses and phone numbers will appear as hyperlinks whether you're using Android and iOS on mobile or the web on your computer. You won't be able to make calls, but you can launch Google Maps and start a new email on your PC with a single click. We've tested the feature and can confirm that it's now active, but if it doesn't work for you yet, don't worry: Google says it could take up to three days to roll it out completely.