
Recommended Reading: Google's biggest hardware flop

The week's best writing on technology and more.

Mathew Sumner via Getty Images

Google’s worst hardware flop was introduced 10 years ago today

Chris Welch, The Verge

Ah, the Nexus Q. The $300 media player Google never release to consumers fetched poor reviews from nearly every outlet that tested it. The Verge recounts all that went wrong with the device, which was nearly everything aside from an eye-catching design.

A brief history of (unintentionally) unbeatable games

Kyle Orland, Ars Technica

The Switch version of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II has a glitch that makes it impossible to complete the game. There's a plan to fix it with a patch, but that's not always possible when games carry unintentional flaws. Ars Technica provides a brief history of other titles that fall into this unfortunate category.

The rise of the 0.5 selfie

Kalley Huang, The New York Times

Taken with the ultra-wide lens on the back of a phone at 0.5x on the camera, a new selfie trend is a far cry from the meticulously curated self-portraits we typically see splattered across social networks.

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