
Android-based Archos 5-inch Internet Tablet coming September 15 with (you guessed it) an AppsLib store

See that? It's an Android-green invitation to the unveil of the 5-inch Archos Internet Media Tablet. The September 15th date isn't new (it was announced back in June) but it's still good to see things moving ahead as planned. To whet the appetites of would-be developers, Archos has also announced its AppsLib application store for "advanced Android devices." The development guidelines, however, describe just a single, 5-inch 800x480 pixel device with accelerometer, OpenGL 3D graphics support, and HDMI output pushing an oddball 1160x652 pixel resolution to your TV. Right, specs already rumored for the Archos tablet. While not mentioned, we still expect all the other details -- 500GB storage, 10-mm thickness, 7-hours of battery when playing video, voice and HSUPA data radio, and OMAP3440 processor -- unexpectedly announced (by TI!) for the tablet way back in February to be in place when this thing gets live in Paris next month.

[Via Pocketables]