
Who should I follow? Laptops / mobile computing

Welcome once again to "Who should I follow?" where we spend countless hours trolling Twitter finding the best and most knowledgeable peeps for our readers to follow. This week we're proud to introduce you to the wonderful and secret mysteries of laptop experts: yes, they're a crazy group, but the follow payoff will be pretty big, because you'll know every detail of every device ever released again. Feel free to share your own handles in comments, or suggest other interesting users to us.

Companies - Follow for news and good deals

Dell Outlet @delloutlet
Direct2Dell @Direct2Dell
HP News @hpnews
HP @hp_pc
Toshiba Laptops @toshibalaptops
Toshiba @toshiba
Lenovo @lenovosocial
Sony @sony
Sony Electronics @sonyelectronics
ASUS @asus_na
Intel @intel
Intel Inside @IntelInside
NVIDIA Ion @nvidiaion
G Screen Laptop @gScreenLaptop
Microsoft @microsoft
Microsoft Store @microsoftstore
AMD @AMD_Unprocessed

Company contacts
Lionel Menchaca (Dell) @LionelatDell
Anne at Dell @AnneatDELL
Ken E Kaplan (Intel) @kenekaplan
Kiesha Cochrane (Intel) @kfcochrane
Patrick Moorhead (AMD) @patrickmoorhead
Brian Burke (NVIDIA) @bburke_nvidia
Nicholas Negroponte (OLPC) @nnegroponte
Phil McKinney (HP) @philmckinney
Jeff Witt (Lenovo) @jeffgwitt
Jared Leavitt (Toshiba) @Access2Jared
Rahul Sood (HP) @rahulsood
Ann Finnie (HP) @afinnie

Blogs and news sites
Laptop Magazine @laptopmag
PC Magazine @pcmag
Pocketables @pocketables
Netbook Summit @NetbookSummit
PC World @pcworld
Smartbook World @SmartbookWorld
Netbooked @netbooked
Slashgear @slashgear
Netbook News @netbook_news @NewGadgetsDe
JKK Mobile @jkkmobile
Blogeee @Blogeee
Gotta Be Mobile @GottaBeMobile
OLPC News @olpcnews
The Apple Blog @theappleblog

Bloggers, journalists, analysts

Rob Enderle @Enderle
Lance Ulanoff @LanceUlanoff
Mark Spoonauer @mspoonauer
Dana Wollman @DanaWollman
Will Smith @willsmith
James Kendrick @jkendrick
Kevin C. Tofel @KevinCTofel
Mark Hachman @markhachman
Cisco Cheng @CiscoC
Peter Svensson @petersvensson
Jon Fingas @jonfingas
Stuart Miles @stuartmiles
Steve Wildstrom @swildstrom
Ross Rubin @rossrubin
Nicole Scott @Nicole_Scooter
Sascha Pallenberg @sascha_P
Sarah E. Anderson @seander01
Dan Ackerman @danackerman
Xavier Lanier @XavierLanier
Steve 'Chippy' Paine @chippy
Brad Linder @bradlinder

Previous editions of "Who should I follow?"
Engadget Editors on Twitter
Cellphone Edition

Don't forget to follow Engadget Alt too!

Special thanks to @joannastern for helping @laura_june with this one.