
Minor Patch Released

If you logged onto WoW yesterday, you're already aware that the latest version of the game has been updated to 1.11.1 (I'm only writing something in parenthesis here to allay the confusion that the period at the end of this particular sentence might cause).

For those of you both curious & lazy, here are the updated patch notes:

Fixes softlock issues.
* The Looking For Group channel is now global.
* Escape Artist now displays a message in the combat log when it fails.
* Significant changes to the battleground Deserter debuff. The debuff should no longer be applied to characters incorrectly.
* The Omen of Clarity talent now lasts 10 minutes. The tooltip does not yet correctly reflect the new longer duration, and will be updated in a future patch.
* Evocation - Cool down reduced to 8 minutes.
* Pyroblast - Cool down removed.
* Frostbrand and Flametongue weapon buffs are benefited by +spell damage.

Too bad that first sentence doesn't read 'no longer' instead of 'now', huh? And why are they announcing that twice? Just to rub it in our face? Lousy LFG channel...get out of my head.