
Vision camera? Don't forget your free game

Maybe Uno isn't your thing. Texas Hold 'em just doesn't do it for you. Would you rather control a weird totem pole thing by waving your arms and looking like a jackass? Really? Then TotemBall is for you! TotemBall (see video above) lets players guide their character through levels using gestures in conjunction with the Live Vision camera. It should be noted that our own Ken Weeks had some trouble controlling the game in the bad lighting conditions of E3. Hopefully the final version will provide us with a tighter experience -- and another reason to be excited about the Vision camera. The game should be available for download on September 19th, Vision's official launch date. Also, if you haven't picked one up already, the camera will be available in two packages:

Standard Kit ($39.99):
- Xbox Live Vision Camera
- Xbox Live Headset
- Xbox Live Gold 1 Month Trial
- UNO (code for download) and TotemBall (on Sept. 19)

Gold Kit ($79.99):
- Xbox Live Vision Camera
- Xbox Live Headset
- Xbox Live Gold One Year Subscription
- UNO (code for download) and TotemBall (on Sept. 19) and third game (TBD)
- 200 MS Points

[Thanks, Rivithed]