
EU finalizes official selection of DVB-H for mobile TV

As if it wasn't official enough already, the European Union has put its final stamp of approval on DVB-H -- already Europe's most prevalent mobile TV standard -- and has started asking countries and companies to help it enforce the ruling. As the EU's telecom commish points out, Europe is now to DVB-H what it did to GSM years ago, pushing an open, homegrown solution at a time when others (MediaFLO, hint hint) are trying to make inroads, so "wait-and-see is not an option." Of course, other motivating factors to get this fleshed out now are the Beijing Olympics and the European Football Championship, both events that many Europeans would probably like to have the option of catching on their phones. How exactly this all dovetails with the EU's recent DMB efforts in China remains unclear, but hey, at least they've set a course.

[Via mocoNews]