Nokia N8 used to shoot world's largest stop-motion film, 'Gulps' up the competition (video)
In today's rapidly evolving smartphone market, the Nokia N8 seems almost... ancient. But if there's any doubts that its camera is still the gold-medal champion of the bunch, "Gulp" will shut up the critics. The video you see below is the world's largest stop-motion movie, filmed on a beach in South Wales using none other than the phone's famed 12 megapixel sensor. Okay, that's not entirely true; it was actually done on three of them, not just one, with the aid of a massively tall crane to lift them up. Everything you see in the flick -- including the fisherman and his boat -- is life-size; the largest scene spans over 11,000 square feet. The Sumo Science production, in all of its 90-second glory, is ready for your viewing pleasure below, as is a short documentary explaining how it all went down. For sure, you're either going to lust after a N8 once again, or vow never to go fishing again.