AOL On comes to TiVo, delivers (more) video content to the DVR
We knew AOL's On Network application would be hitting TiVo DVR boxes eventually, but, after nearly four months of being nowhere to be found, we were starting to wonder when exactly that would be. The good news is, as of today, TiVo Premiere owners can finally start enjoying on-demand content from AOL's hefty video catalogue on their set-top box -- which includes, but isn't limited to, vids from HuffPost Entertainment, TechCrunch, Moviefone and, you guessed it, Engadget. That's not it, though, as the AOL On app also brings in snippets from various outside entities, such as the BBC, Reuters, CNET, Entertainment Tonight and Gourmet TV. AOL On should be live now on your TiVo Premiere, so ready up that DVR if you're looking to dive into one (or more) of the 380,000-plus videos it has to offer.
[Disclosure: Engadget is part of the AOL family]