
5 Ways Innovative Gadgets have revolutionized the Health Industry

As technology advances and society relies more on it, each industry attempts to remain relevant and as in-tune with technology as possible. In the health and wellness industry, multiple wearable and portable devices have been developed to make staying healthy more convenient. From smartphone applications to injury protection devices, the health industry is evolving rapidly.
Smart Pill Bottles
Some ailments require that patients take medications at specific times or timed intervals each day. Remembering these strict schedules can be a frustrating task. The development of the smart pill bottle helps remind patients when to take their medicine with real-time alerts. The alerts are monitored through secure online servers for patient safety.
Wearable Slip/Fall Protection
Broken and dislocated joints happen as people age. When mobility becomes an issue, protection from slips and/or falls is a practical item to consider. Technology was developed to detect a potential fall and deploy a small airbag to cushion the fall. A call for help is initiated when impact occurs. This device protects lower extremities such as the hips and lower back.
Herbal Vaporizers
The use of natural herbs is becoming a more popular option for relieving symptoms of common ailments. Combining the right herbs, like ginseng with green tea, maca root, and kola nut aids in energy production and increased stamina. Dry herbs are lightly ground for use in handheld or tabletop vaporizers to obtain natural relief.
Natural herbs are used to remedy symptoms of:

  • Migraines

  • Insomnia

  • Focus

  • Stress relief

  • Inflammation

  • Common cold symptoms

  • Anxiety

Vaporizers heat the herbs to an optimal temperature to allow the herbs to release natural oils and vapors. The vapor is inhaled, held, and exhaled multiple times to achieve relief. It is important to combine the right herbs together to feel relief from specific ailments.
Wearable Fitness Devices
Wearable fitness devices can aid in meeting fitness goals and developing a fitness program. Viewing daily progress helps keep those wishing to improve their health stay motivated. Some devices go as far as having the ability to calculate an ideal number of calories to take in for your specific body mass index and lifestyle.
Health and Fitness Mobile Apps
Much of society is mobile, so it only makes sense that the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle is also mobile. Fitness applications can help monitor your heart rate throughout the day, count the number of steps taken, and even measure your total number of calories burned. This information is helpful as it shows society just how active or inactive they are. Setting daily goals through mobile apps does help prevent lapses in eating healthy and getting a proper amount of relevant exercise each day.
Final Word
The ability for society to self-monitor their personal progress on a path to healthy living makes more people interested in becoming healthier. For those with multiple medical ailments, some of these devices can be life-saving. Using these advanced technological health devices is simple as most require minimal steps to use.