
Vine will stick around as a camera app

But the hosting service itself is still kaput.

Twitter's October announcement that it would be shutting down its popular Vine feature drew criticism from across the internet -- and apparently that collective outrage worked. The company published a Medium post on Friday stating that while the Vine hosting service would still be going away, the ability to record and save six-second videos would not

Beginning in January, users will be able to download Vine Camera -- a pared down version of the previous app -- for both iOS and Android. The new app will record six-second videos but, rather than post them on the Vine website, they'll be saved to either the phone's local storage or posted directly to Twitter. Vines that were posted to the website before the October announcement will also be made available for download. What's more, the company will also be making it easier for Vine creators to build their audience on Twitter (instead of, say, Giphy) through an upcoming "Follow on Twitter" notification.