
Nintendo Fusion Tour kicks off in the O.H. [update 1]

The Nintendo Fusion Tour kicked off a couple days ago in Columbus, Ohio. The tour will bounce around various U.S. cities until it concludes in Chicago on November 11. The bands on the tour are perfectly respectable, however the real draw is the ability for the general public (after paying for a ticket) to try the Nintendo Wii a full month and a half before launch.

The Gaming Nexus sent intrepid reporter Ben Berry to write about his experience at last nights launch in the O.H. Although Berry hated the music, "The sounds of two cats fighting on a dumpster may not be far off from what I heard, except cats can't swear." He certainly walked away with some warm feelings toward the Wii.

The 32-year-old Berry is not a Nintendo fan, as he starts his piece calling Nintendo "the gaming platform of choice for children." He writes a few thousand words of description about all the Wii games he played and in conclusion says, "I am now definitely going to buy a Wii. The Wii remote is truly a step ahead of what the other consoles are offering."

What about the Sixaxis Berry?

[Update 1: Added actual end date]

[Thanks btboy500]