

  • Aion EU starts a new Q&A vidcast

    Aion's EU dev team has released the first episode of a new vidcast called Ask Aion. It follows a pretty familiar Q&A format, with the questions pulled from fans via Twitter. They include bits about player events, possible server merges, and even an angry rant directed at publisher GameForge which prompts Aion's EU product director to strangle a plushie on camera. See for yourself after the cut.

    Jef Reahard
  • Aion EU community report talks transfers, mergers, and more

    Gameforge has posted the latest community report for Aion EU, touching on the subjects of server transfers, the recently failed maintenance, update 4.7.1, changes in the veteran reward levels, and more. The post also addresses the rumors of server merges. In a nutshell, the information is as follows: Transfers are not forgotten but on the back burner until other projects and balancing issues are taken care of first. Winter maintenance failed because a server update from NCsoft interfered with the automated time switch and broke the system undetected; it has since been fixed! Update 4.7.1is being polished and translated, and the test client is expected around December or January. Server mergers are not on the imminent horizon -- populations are still just being observed; that being said, a Rookie/Union server merge is under consideration but as of yet still undecided. Recent measures are showing initial improvement in balance, but the situation will continue to be monitored before any more measures are implemented. The Veteran reward system changes affect veteran levels 31-40, and there's a list of the new rewards.

    MJ Guthrie
  • Aion EU celebrates F2P anniversary with XP and drop boosts, 4.5 announcement, and infographic

    Two years ago today, Gameforge converted Aion EU to a free-to-play game. And just like for the first anniversary, the company is offering special celebrations as well as announcing a new update coming in April. This year, however, Gameforge also includes a new infographic to show off a few interesting statistics about the game at a glance. Players who log in between now and March 5th will find XP and drop rate boosts in effect. On top of that, Daevas can look forward to the chance of acquiring additional Aion coins. Then on April 9th, update 4.5 will bring the second Engineer class specialization, the Rider, to join the current choice of Gunner. The infographic, seen below, highlights various statistics since the fantasy game went F2P, such as favorite classes and how many hours of play time have been invested in it. The game is also now playable in Spanish, Italian, Polish, and Turkish alongside English, French, and German. [Source: Gameforge press release]

    MJ Guthrie
  • Aion 4.0 slated for August launch in Europe

    While Daevas in North America are looking forward to Aion's 4.0 launch next week, those in Europe have to wait longer due to the extra localization involved with multiple languages. But that wait won't be long: Gameforge has announced that the latest expansion is planned to launch this summer. Volker Boenigk, Executive Product Director for Aion at Gameforge, stated, "The necessary work towards this for 4.0 is progressing well and I'm confident that the update will be available on the European servers in August." Eager to storm the lands of Katalam or try your hand at the new Engineer or Artist classes (which become the Gunner and Songweaver, respectively)? if so, your time will soon be at hand. [Source: Gameforge press release]

    MJ Guthrie
  • Gameforge announces F2P anniversary celebration and 3.9 update for EU Aion

    February 28th marks the one-year anniversary of Aion's conversion to free-to-play in Europe. In celebration of the occasion, Gameforge is kicking off some special events and has announced a new update that launches on April 17th. The anniversary festivities include three 50% bonuses through March 6th -- an XP boost in the Abyss, an increased item drop rate, and an increase in the success rate when crafting. On February 28th, players can also take advantage of a special happy hour where they will receive 20% more Aion coins during a select two-hour window. EU Aion's 3.9 update will introduce features that group-starved Daevas have been waiting for. Dubbed the Fast Track server in NA, the Rookie server will allow a PvP-free leveling mecca for players from all servers. The dungeon finder will allow players to find and join specific instance groups more easily. [Source: Gameforge press release]

    MJ Guthrie
  • Aion 3.5 finally lands on EU servers today

    While North American Daevas have been enjoying all the goodies that came with Aion 3.5 since last October, folks across the pond had to continue to wait for their turn. Now, though, the wait is finally over as Gameforge has released patch 3.5 on the European servers. EU Daevas can get their PvP on in new arenas, enjoy special legion quests (along with a legion level cap increase to eight), and dive into new dungeons like Tiamat's Stronghold. Players wanting a break from the adventuring side of life can take part in the new village improvement process to get new housing designs and add NPCs to the neighborhood. Get a glimpse of Tiamat as she awaits you in the trailer after the break, then hop in game to face her for yourself! [Source: Gameforge press release]

    MJ Guthrie
  • Aion 3.0 to launch in Europe on August 15th

    For quite some time, Aion players across the pond have eagerly waited for their turn to participate in the massive update that introduces housing, mounts, a higher level cap, and two brand new areas to the game. That wait is finally over: Gameforge has announced Aion's 3.0 patch will launch in Europe next Wednesday, August 15th! Come next week, every Daeva over level 21 will be able to own his own space. Along with housing, players will be able to specialize in the new furniture making crafting profession to decorate and personalize their home-sweet-homes. Characters level 55 through 60 (the new level cap) will be able to access the newest areas of Balaurea: Sarpan and Tiamaranta. While Tiamaranta brings four new fortresses to conquer, Sarpan is a PvP-free zone where Asmodians and Elyos must live together under a truce. [Source: Gameforge press release]

    MJ Guthrie
  • NCsoft reveals two trailers for Aion Europe's F2P launch

    Aion is officially free-to-play in Europe as of this week, and to celebrate, NCsoft has rolled out a couple of new trailers. The game's Elyos and Asmodian factions get their own video clips, though the footage is largely the same excepting a brief intro and the appropriate voiceovers. There are a lot of battle shots, some glimpses of the high-level Dredgion instance, and a taste of each faction's lore (specifically, how each group blames the other for starting the endless war for the soul of Atreia). Check out both clips after the break, and keep up with the latest Aion happenings via our weekly Wings Over Atreia column.

    Jef Reahard
  • Aion Europe going F2P on February 28th

    We told you earlier this week about Aion's incoming North American free-to-play transition (not to mention a little ditty called Ascension/3.0), but today we've got word that Gameforge AG has released the official date for Aion's European payment plan switcheroo as well. The change-over will occur simultaneously on February 28th for the English-, German-, and French-language versions of Aion's EU client, and you can download said client right now at the game's official website. Gameforge also says that the Ascension patch will hit Europe "in the spring," but there are no more specifics. We'll bring you more definitive info from the world of Atreia as soon as we have it. [Source: Gameforge press release]

    Jef Reahard
  • Gameforge offers a few Aion F2P details

    Gameforge has released a few details relating to Aion's impending free-to-play conversion. As you know, the business model switch is reserved for the game's European community (for now), so none of these changes will affect the American shards. Essentially there will be two access levels when the transition occurs in February. New players (or Starters, in Gameforge lingo) get free access to the entire game. Limitations on free play include "reduced access to functions such as the chat and the auction house," though Gameforge has not specified exactly what that means as of yet. Aion veterans will also enjoy free access to the complete game as well as reduced instance cool-down times and increased PvP coin rewards. There is a cash shop, of course, which will include avatar customization items that may be used to individualize your character. Gameforge's press release also mentions a Gold Pack option that will grant time-limited bonuses, and we'll have more details for you as they become available. In the meantime, check out the official Aion free-to-play website for more on the game's move to F2P. [Source: Gameforge press release]

    Jef Reahard
  • NCsoft answers questions on Aion's F2P transition

    NCsoft announced earlier today that it has partnered up with Gameforge to transition Aion Europe to a F2P model. Now Gamespot UK has a new question-and-answer session with NCsoft that explains a bit about the reasons behind the transition. For instance, what can players expect when Aion goes F2P, considering it already had a cash shop to begin with? In the F2P version, the shop will be accessible from inside the game itself, allowing players to make purchases on the fly instead of exiting the game to do so. Gamespot also asks the company's opinion on the ongoing F2P-vs.-subscription war. The company believes that "more and more games will directly launch into a free-to-play business model in the future," but for now it's also "shown that transitioning to free-to-play has become a valid option to extend a game's life cycle." For the full Q&A, head click on over to Gamespot UK.

    Matt Daniel