

  • Fun with guild meetings

    My guild is coming up on its next guild meeting here in a few days. As it's the first one we've been able to have for some time due to scheduling problems and other things, we are really hoping that we can make it fun for all who attend it, no matter the level. Previously, we've done things like all-guild PVP in the Gurubashi arena, and a "Running of the Bulls" type events like the ones that have happened on several servers. Our version involved most of our people rolling a Tauren of any class, and then proceeding to run from Mulgore to Light's Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands wearing nothing but a green holiday shirt, and using no abilities/spells/etc. (my favorite name was "EatMorChikn") This time, we think we've hit something a bit more fun to do, but just as potentially deadly. Our original intent was to get everyone out to Shattrath and use our flying mounts to play Nogginfogger Roulette. The problem is that this would have prevented all of our under 70 members from being able to play. That wasn't going to work, because the whole point of the meetings is to spend time together, no matter the level. As such, the officers checked the in-game event calendar, and set our meeting for this Saturday when the Darkmoon Faire is open in Mulgore. Those who can get the elixir will stock up, and using the cannon at the faire, we'll have our competition! The idea for the game is this...