

  • World of WarCrafts: Cranberry Chutney

    World of WarCrafts spotlights art and creativity by WoW players, including fan art, cooking, comics, cosplay, music and fan fiction. Show us how you express yourself; contact our tips line (attention: World of WarCrafts) with your not-for-profit, WoW-inspired creations. Zarhym may not care for cranberries, but we do -- and since Pilgrim's Bounty is over and you can't get the ingredients for a good Cranberry Chutney anymore in game, we'll just have to make it at home instead. Although the word "chutney" sounds like it would be on the slimy and disgusting side for both cooking and eating, it's actually a tasty little condiment. We turned to (style points for that reference, please!) for a non-biased description of this dish: "Chutney is similar in consistency to jelly, salsa or relish, and is used as a sweet and sour condiment. Usually made fresh, chutney contains fruit and sugar to give it a sweet taste, and almost all chutney contains vinegar and perhaps onions to give it a corresponding sour flavor. The ingredients are mixed together and then simmered slowly. While chutney is primarily sweet and sour, there can also be many variations of spices, often giving it a hot and spicy flavor." Sound tempting? We've got a version for cooks and non-cooks alike.

    Lisa Poisso
  • Rock Band Weekly: Ministry, The Zombies, The Cranberries

    Next week brings another eclectic selection for Rock Band Weekly, as metal meets rock with a dash of The Cranberries. For male vocalists, it'll be fun to warm up with some Zombies and then rip those vocal cords apart trying to sing Ministry tracks.Ministry Pack 01 (440 / $5.50 on PS3/ Only available individually on Wii) "Cuz U R Next" (160 / $2) "LiesLiesLies" (160 / $2) "The Great Satan" (160 / $2) Individual Songs (160 / $2) "She's Not There" -- The Zombies (160 / $2) "Tell Her No" -- The Zombies (160 / $2) "Linger" -- The Cranberries (160 / $2) All tracks are masters and will be available for download next Tuesday on Xbox 360 and Wii. PS3 owners can jam with these tracks on Thursday.

  • Happy Thanksgiving from WoW Insider

    America today is celebrating Thanksgiving Day, a holiday where we all sit down with friends and family, eat loads of turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries, and all the other good stuff, and give thanks for all the blessings we've received throughout the year. WoW Insider would like to wish you, our readers, a happy Thanksgiving and a great and safe holiday season. We are thankful for many things, but mostly for you: it's because you come and read and visit the site that we get to keep it going every day of every week the rest of the year. Much appreciated -- thank you.Many of our bloggers are also with their families and attending their own celebrations this weekend, so posting may be slow around here today and tomorrow. Odds are that you haven't reached 80 yet, and even if you have, odds are even better that you haven't grinded all the reputations you want, so just head on into the game and work on that for a bit, and we'll be back after this weekend with our usual news, views, and insight into this game and its players.

    Mike Schramm