

  • Blizzard's Overwatch bumps into trademark issues

    Remember when no one knew what Overwatch was and we were all speculating it was some sort of expansion based on the fact that the trademark had been filed? Oh, it was a more innocent time. Unfortunately for that trademark, it might be having a little bit of a problem after all, as it has come to light that another company filed an earlier claim for the trademark that would supersede Blizzard's use of the name due to likelihood of confusion. The trademark that has already been filed is for an app that can be used to provide enhanced functionality for paintball matches, laser tag matches, and the like. Both trademark applications are currently suspended pending investigations, so it remains to be seen whether Blizzard will be pushing forward or will change the name of the game to something legally different. Like Oversupervise, for instance.

    Eliot Lefebvre
  • Trion answers questions about RIFT's server merges

    Next week's RIFT server merge is far from the first time that the game has compressed its servers, but it's still producing no shortage of anxiety and apprehension. The game's community managers took to the forums to answer some of the more pressing questions, starting with the (unwelcome) news that the merged EU servers will wind up without a server flagged for roleplaying. Name changes will be necessary; surnames are possible for the future, but they will not be in place for the merges. Players with more than the maximum number of characters after the merge will only have access to the first 12; players will need to delete existing characters to see the characters in overflow, but they will not be lost. Guild banks do not need to be emptied. Players are also reminded that characters can be transferred before the merger. The one bright point is the fact that the EU servers will have an auction house supporting French, English, and German clients at the same time, allowing all players in the region to interact successfully on the merged worlds.

    Eliot Lefebvre
  • SWTOR customization update goes live

    With all of the glamor and glitter, fashion and fame coming to Star Wars: The Old Republic these days, it must either be a Jem and the Holograms expansion or Game Update 2.1: Customization. It's the patch that says that it's OK to be a vain, preening peacock as long as you're saving a galaxy far, far away, and it's totally live, like, right now. Update 2.1 includes new dye modules, a collection interface, name changes an appearance editor, and the option to play as a member of the Cathar race. Check out the update trailer after the break!

    Justin Olivetti
  • Prime: Battle for Dominus undergoes a quick name change

    There's a lot in a name, for MMOs as much as anything. You want your name to be recognizable, distinct, and perhaps most importantly something that isn't going to be mistaken for the name of a different game or product. Prime: Battle for Dominus has already been establishing buzz about itself, but its name was a bit cumbersome with the subtitle and a bit generic without it, so the game is shortening itself down to simply Dominus from here on out. Confirmed via an official tweet, the name change is hardly the first time that a game in production has undergone a shift in title (the most recent MMO example being RIFT and its multiple sobriquets). Nothing else appears to have changed for the title, although it's quite likely that the official site address will be changed and the current site will be used as a redirect. And it will be a lot easier to remember the name, since Dominus doesn't come up frequently in other conversations.

    Eliot Lefebvre
  • Aion server merges delayed, name changes explained

    Aion's recently announced server merges have been pushed back a couple of weeks and are now scheduled to take place on July 14th. The delay is apparently the result of name conflicts between players with the same moniker on servers that are scheduled to merge, and NCsoft has decided to take a bit of extra time to smooth the process. In a nutshell, the name changes are likely to affect a small percentage of characters, and NCsoft will be adding one or two letters onto the end of duplicate names depending on original name length. Additionally, all daevas will be given a free name-change. "When the merge maintenance is completed on July 14th, 2010, you'll be able to log in and use your free Character Name Change ticket to change your name. All uses of that Character Name Change ticket will be on a first come, first served basis," NCsoft said in a press release. Check out all the details at the official website.

    Jef Reahard
  • Forum post of the day: You stay classy

    It seems Blizzard has been listening to the complaints and concerns of players. I've been taken aback by the implementation of paid name changes, PvE to PvP transfers and gender changes. For years, I've read clamoring for race, faction and class changes.Zarhym weighed in Wolfbite of Chromaggus' thread in the general forums requesting class changes. Name and appearance changes are purely cosmetic, while allowing class changes would affect the overall dynamics of the game. Later in the thread Zarhym stated that this is partially to avoid creating a "flavor of the month" class, and would prefer to address player concerns. Rerolling was the most common prescription amongst posters to solve the original poster's issue.

    Amanda Dean
  • Hiding from justice

    Mesta on Eldre'thelas has an interesting tale of woe over on the forums: he had someone within his guild ninja a few items from the guild bank, and then they discovered the next day that the guy had "disappeared" completely-- he not only didn't appear on their server, but he didn't show up in the Armory, either. Metsa thinks name change, and that appears to be the likeliest scenario-- not a lot of reason to ninja valuable items if you're just quitting the game with them. So it looks like yes, name changes will simply let ninjas run free.Blizzard's official response in the thread is pretty apathetic-- Bornakk basically says that you've got to be careful about who you let into the guild bank ("l2bank," essentially). Over on Massively, we recently posted about something called "MMOrality"-- the idea that players uphold a social code in game. But that's all based on each player having their own identity, and the premise that if someone does something wrong, you can hold them responsible for it. But these paid name changes, it seems, takes away that little bit of justice-- if we can't hold players responsible for their actions at all, we can't enforce MMOrality in any way.Blizzard still can-- obviously, they know who's who even if names get changed. But just the same, I'm not sure if players should necessarily have access to name changes-- the majority of people who change their names have legitimate reasons for doing so, I'd guess, and it's a shame to let the few ninjas ruin everything. Is there a way we can allow players to pay to change their identity while still making sure those who break the "MMOral" laws are held responsible for what they do?

    Mike Schramm
  • Two weeks of paid name changes

    It's been a couple weeks now since the paid name change service was initially offered and I've noticed a few people in my guild that have taken advantage of it. While it's certainly personal preference, a lot of the changed names seem worse to me than the old ones. Some of them were obviously chosen for comic value, since they're reminiscent of the guy in the picture over here.Regardless of my opinions about the specific names, everyone I've talked to has said that the service was quick and easy. I also haven't heard any horror stories regarding sociopathic players changing their names to wreak more havoc upon unsuspecting victims under a new moniker. From my limited experience, it seems like an overall positive change to the game.Have you paid to change your name? What was your old one and what's your new one? Was your experience with the service a good one?

    John Himes