
Home Theater best of show: HP?


It's true. The Digital Life 2005 Best of Show in the Home Theater category was won by the company started in a garage: Hewlett-Packard. HP won with their 65-inch DLP set, the HP Pavilion MD6580 Microdisplay TV. This one is so surprising that even the cartoon character in the set appears to be scratching his head.

I'm not suggesting that the MD6580 is a bad set by any means. On paper, it's got some decent specs with a 12,000:1 contrast and 1920 x 1080 resolution. I'm still not sold on the whole "1080p via wobulation" thing but that's probably because I hear the "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down" jingle whenever someone says "wobulation."

Is anyone else surprised by this Best of Show winner? Any MD6580 owners out there that want to defend this set winning the award?