
LeapFrog Fly pentop computer reviewed by New York Times

leapfrog fly

LeapFrog's much-ballyhooed Fly pentop computer has finally made it onto retail shelves — just in time for the holiday shopping season — and David Pogue of The New York Times has a review that highlights some of its features, many of which will attract adults as much as the kids LeapFrog hopes will use this. The Fly can, for example, be used as a scheduler, with remarkable ease: write down the time and date of an appointment, and the pen will turn itself on and speak a reminder at that time. Need a quick calculator? Draw one with the Fly and start using it immediately. Of course, kid stuff is what LeapFrog has built its name on, and the Fly includes plenty of kid-friendly features, including the ability to identify countries when a user taps on a world map or deliver sound effects when tapping on stickers. Ultimately, the edutainment features are what will determine whether the Fly, er, flies off of shelves this season, but we're already looking forward to picking one up off of the playroom floor and snagging it for ourselves once the kids get bored with it.