
Hitachi shows off 7.5 micron thick mu-chip RFID tag


chips are already well beyond the embeddable-anywhere threshold, but the breakthrough Hitachi's planning to show off at this year's ISSCC (International Solid-State Circuits Conference) is their newest mu-chip, an RFID tag that's a mere 0.15 x 0.15 millimeters, and 7.5 microns thick -- ten or more times thinner than a sheet of paper with all the 128-bit identifying goodness we've to know and love / loathe. Ah, just think of the possibilities of embedding these things all the places their previous, positively bloated 0.3 x 0.3mm / 60 micron thick chip wouldn't go (pictured right is the even more obese 0.4 x 0.4mm version). Ahem.