
The PlayStation 3 delay meme, part VI: Variety sez holidays 06

There isn't exactly a pull quote from Sony's head, Sir Howard Stringer (or Howie Stringy, as we like to call him around these parts), but Variety's latest profile on the man at the top pretty clearly states that despite Sony's claims to introduce the PlayStation 3 this spring, it'll be delayed into the holiday 2006 season -- and that's presumably for Japan, America could be any amount of time later than that. We've more or less come to terms with this as truth by now, we just wish Sony'd admit it or launch the PS3 already, and stop yanking our chains. So don't be surprised when, as usual, some Sony talking head chimes in about their sticking to their spring 2006 plans, and that so and so had this and that totally wrong about what they've got going on to launch on time. After all, a company like Sony just loves holding its cards to its chest, we know this, but did we mention we're already a month into spring? This concludes today's PlayStation 3 delayed post, everyone, thank you for your attention.

[Via Joystiq]