Time Warner does / doesn't support CableCARD TiVos
Since we ran that last post about Time Warner Cable (disclaimer: TWC is owned by Time Warner, our parent company's parent company's parent company) giving peeps hell about running their TiVo Series 3 boxes with operator-issued CableCARDs, we've seen the cable company subjected to inscrutably painful amounts of ire the likes of which TWC isn't even accustomed to hearing from the Engadget Podcast. But now things are just getting confusing and muddled. All of a sudden TiVo Community user BillyT2002 got a call back from a Time Warner direct manager who laid the FUD to rest by letting him know that the TiVo S3 will definitely work perfectly and be supported by and on TWC's network with TWC's CableCARDs, and that the CSRs who made the previous statements to the contrary were completely misinformed. Ok, sweet. Except for the fact that mere minutes before we were sent this tip, a gent by the name of Phil forwarded us an email from TWC in LA / San Fernando Valley that stated the following: "We do offer Cable Card [sic] technology, however, we will not install Cable Cards onto equipment aside from the television itself. We will not support any 3rd party equipment devices such as Tivo." (We've published it in full after the break.) Oook. So what's it going to be, guys? We've got some freaking gear to buy already -- it is 2006, after all. And people wonder why CableCARD hasn't taken off, and why there's little or no consumer confidence in its adoption.
[Thanks, Ken & Phil]
Phil's emailed response:
------ Forwarded Message
From: "Cust.Ops"
Reply-To: "Cust.Ops"
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 18:45:36 -0700
Subject: Re: FEEDBACK_Customer_Service (KMM1035923VXXXXXXXX)
Thank you for your inquiry. We do offer Cable Card technology, however, we will not install Cable Cards onto equipment aside from the television itself.
We will not support any 3rd party equipment devices such as Tivo.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via our Live Online Help. Our Live Online Help Representatives are available Monday through Friday between 9 AM to 7 PM at: http://www.TimeWarnerLA.com/chat/ .
Time Warner Cable
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