
Engadget's relaunch giveaways: some Slingboxes

For yesterday's give giveaways kickoff we started things off by giving away the first of our Zunes -- which, we'd like to mention is still open to contestants until Sunday. Today, however, we're giving away a Slingbox. Hell, let's make it two Slingboxes. In fact, we're going to give away some Sling gear every week for a few weeks, with progressively more impressive stakes. To be entered to win a Slingbox today, just leave us a comment with your favorite television show (or series, or sporting event, or what have you). Seriously, that's all you have to do. You'll have until next Tuesday (the 26th), then we'll pick the winner at random, assuming s/he follows the rules:

  • You may enter other Engadget contests, however...

  • You may only enter this once; if you enter more than once on this particular contest post you'll be automatically disqualified and barred from all future giveaways. (Yes, we have robots that thoroughly check to ensure fairness.) You may enter future Engadget relaunch giveaway contests if you don't win this one!

  • You can only win once. (If you win and go for a second prize for our relaunch giveaways, you'll be automatically disqualified, etc.)

  • Contest is open to US only. Sorry, everybody, we promise we'll do some international gear soon!

  • You will be shipped your Slingbox in a few weeks when all our contests are over. Thanks for your patience!

Ok everybody, good luck!