
ASUS provides compatibility guarantee for draft-n products

Despite the disappointing speed and range improvements we've seen from draft-n products so far, there's no denying 802.11n is the future of WiFi, and that means consumers looking for a speed boost who join the draft-n bandwagon do so at their own peril, risking hundreds of dollars on a wireless router that could very well prove incompatible and obsolete in a year or so. Well, router manufacturers have to sell something while they wait for the WiFi Alliance to get off its butt and approve a draft of the 802.11n spec, and ASUS is taking the draft-n game to a new level by guaranteeing future compatibility with the final 802.11n spec "whether in the form of firmware or hardware updates." ASUS is covering their WL-500W and WL-100W routers, both powered by "Intensi-fi" tech and claiming speeds higher than 100Mbps. The upgrade program covers all units purchased before the end of '06, and will last for 3 months after the ratification of the final spec -- which should happen sometime this century.