
Fab@Home shows you how to build a fabber on your own

Fabbers, or 3D printers, or prototyping machines, are traditionally used in product manufacturing to get an idea of how a product sketch will look and feel in real life. Just like many technological products, a homebrew open-source community has started up around fabbers -- a new one has just begun at Cornell University, appropriately called Fab@Home. The project, which is already several weeks old, has resulted in some pretty awesome projects, including a fabbing chocolate machine done by a high school student in Kentucky that makes some pretty tasty looking treats. As you'd expect, the group has put together a set of instructions and accompanying software (Windows only, sorry Mac and Linux fans) so that you too can build your own fabber, chocolate or otherwise. No word on if you can make a totally fab Fabergé egg with a fabber, however.

[Via Hack A Day]