
Xbox 360 ready for homebrew?

One of the best things about the original Microsoft Xbox console wasn't the fact that it ran games. Oh no, for many, the best part was the ease at which that low-cost / high-powered device could be hacked to run all kinds of Homebrew applications including a damn fine media center. Now, in a tantalizing bit of showmanship put on by a cloaked hacker at the 23C3 Hacker Congress in Germany, a modified Xbox 360 (note attached circuit board) is shown loading Ubisoft's King Kong game just before displaying a trio of dancing 360, Tux, and (old) MacOS logos with the words "coming soon." Could this be a true exploit of King Kong's unchecked and unsigned vector shaders? We don't know, but the ability to execute any kind of code is certainly progress. Besides, with the games already loosed, can the mod-chips and homebrew from a highly motivated hacking community be too far behind? See the complete video after the break.

[Via Xbox360 Fanboy]