
iPhone and iPod accessories: what works, what doesn't

In addition to documenting every last swoop of the iPhone's interface, we've also been busy plugging this thing into anything we can find with a 30-pin dock connector. The results are actually kind of surprising: while it looks like a bunch of third-party headphones are out, most iPod accessories seem to work, although the iPhone isn't exactly happy about it -- it pops up a warning and offers to put itself in airplane mode so you don't hose your speakers with GSM signal noise. Ah, so that's what that patent application was for. Click on for a list of what we've found, and let us know how you're doing in the comments.



Most chargers we tried: Monster iCharger, Belkin Auto Kit, some cheap-o thing we bought overseas
Apple iPod docks: trigger the airplane mode warning but charge and sync just fine
Apple FireWire iPod cable: doesn't sync or bring up any warnings, but charges fine
Altec Lansing inMotion iM3 speakers: some radio hiss, but it works fine and the remote functions
Bose SoundDock: some radio hiss
Pioneer VXS-82TXS receiver with iPod control -- lots of hiss, but everything works just fine

Doesn't Work
Anything that requires video-out, like the Phillips DCP-850 portable DVD player / video iPod player
Xbox 360 (shocking, we know)