
Sales of OTA antennas continue to surge, no one surprised

Early last month, we heard that the DTT receiver market was apt to blossom in the run-up to the US analog shutoff, and now we're seeing that OTA antenna sales are still booming after quite an increase late last year. According to Richard Schneider, President of Antennas Direct, its antenna sales "for the first two months of 2008 are up 125-percent over this time last year, a year that in itself that was up 60-percent over 2006." Granted, one company isn't a gauge for the entire industry, but this particular firm is certainly a mainstay in the sector. Still, it remains to be seen what will happen in the long haul -- particularly when you consider how many satellite subscribers will soon be receiving their locals via DISH / DirecTV when the duo's latest birds finally get launched -- but so long as cable providers keep jacking up those rates, we've all ideas the OTA market will remain quite healthy.