
WWDC to launch a 3G iPhone and Atom-based MID device? [updated]

Honestly, we're exhausted by the sheer magnitude of 3G iPhone chatter swamping the rumor channels (and our inbox). Nevertheless, it would be a disservice to you, dear reader, if we let this one slide without comment. The perennial Apple touchscreen tablet rumor was given a fresh polish yesterday by Intel's chief German Burgermeister. Hannes Schwaderer stated unequivocally that Apple would be using the new Intel Atom processor in a "future iPhone" which is slightly larger than the existing model due to a larger display. Of course, this isn't the first time that Intel has openly discussed Apple's plans to develop products based on Intel's Centrino Atom, Mobile Internet Device (MID) platform. And as MacRumors and AppleInsider point out, an older rumor calls for a new multi-touch Apple tablet to launch mid-year with a 720 x 480 display on a device said to be about 1.5x the size of the current iPhone. With Intel officially launching Atom in June and Jobs' next keynote scheduled for June 9th... well, it wouldn't surprise us to see Otellini riding a chocolate pony on stage with a multi-touch Newton in hand. Actually, that would be surprising.

P.S. That's a pic of Intel's concept MID from Mr. Blurry Cam.

Update: Er, has printed a disclaimer from Intel saying that ZDNET got the whole thing wrong. Intel claims that Schwaderer's comments were generic and not based on specific knowledge about future iPhone models. Where's the damning video evidence when you need it?

[Via MacRumors and AppleInsider]