
NES Belt Buckle: most inelegant, awesome NES-in-a-whatever mod out there

Just as Mr. Adams wrote of the summer of '69, some heralded pop star decades from now will pen a smash hit recalling the summer of two-thousand and eight. Oddly enough, the tune will likely focus on the revitalization of the Nintendo Entertainment System, which has somehow wiggled into just about everything imaginable over the past few months. The latest concoction is a bit different, though, as the NES Belt Buckle doesn't really shove NES capabilities into a buckle; rather, the NES is the buckle, which is sort of weird to be frank. Still, for $300 you can have your very own, but we'd recommend boosting your self-esteem and saving your cash by just making your own with that dusty system that's still in your attic. Tons of laughs await you in the demonstration vid just past the break.

[Thanks, Harrison]