The Engadget Show Live! With Avner Ronen, WP7S demo, and more...
Keep your eyes tuned to this post -- because at 5:00 PM ET, we'll be starting The Engadget Show live, with Avner Ronen of Boxee, Aaron Woodman showing off Windows Phone 7 Series, plus much, much, more! You seriously don't want to miss it!
Of course, if you're in NY we'd love to have you attend the show in person at the Times Center. It's absolutely free! We'll start handing out tickets at 2:30PM, open the doors for seating at 4:30PM, and the show itself starts at 5PM. There will also be giveaways from Boxee and Microsoft after the show, but you obviously have to be here to participate! All the info about attending can be found here.
Can't make it? We forgive you, and there's a live video stream that can be found after the break. In the spirit of awesome, we've enabled tweeting directly to the live stream! To be a part of The Engadget Show broadcast, just include the hashtag "#engadgetshow" and watch for your tweet on the ticker at the bottom of the screen. One thing to note, The Engadget Show is a family program, so any single instance of swearing or trolling will force us to turn off the ticker... and it won't come back on. So, keep it clean and have fun!
Click "read more" for the stream!