Kinect detailed in newly precise tech specs
Sure, you know Kinect, but do you know Kinect? While retailers have backed off publishing $150 pricetags for Kinect in bizarre displays of solidarity, UK shop has up some new specifics on the technology in its listing for the device. Here are a few of the standouts that were news to us:
Field of view is relatively limited, something we could sense when spending time with Kinect at E3. The unit sees 57 degrees of horizontal and 43 degrees of vertical, with a 27 degree physical tilt to keep you in the action.
Depth of view is similarly strict, ranging from 4 feet to 11.5 feet.
Skeletal tracking is limited to two active players at a time, as we knew, but the system can at least keep its eye on up to six people at once -- like that totally optional pair of backup dancers in Dance Central.
Resolution, because we know you were wondering, is detailed as well: 320 x 240, 16-bit at 30 fps (we're guessing this is the depth camera), 640 x 480, 32-bit color at 30 fps (yeah, this is the color one), and 16-bit audio at 16 kHz.
No huge surprises, and we're sure a few more details will leak out before launch -- can't you just wait to get "off the couch, on your feet and in the fun"?