Swype beta hits S60 5th Edition
Swype is still far more difficult to get than we'd like -- basically, you either need to be in an invite-only beta or own a device where it ships in ROM -- but it's being opened up to a pretty sizable new set of potential customers this month now that it's been ported to S60 5th Edition in an open beta. It's currently tested for use on the 5800, 5230, X6, N97, N97 Mini, and C6 -- and considering that most of those devices use resistive screens, we're really curious to hear how well it works (for what it's worth, Samsung's Omnia II includes Swype in the box and uses a resistive display, so this isn't a first). Installation looks pretty straightforward and you don't need to jump through any hoops or be invited to get the binary, so let us know how it goes for you, alright? Follow the break for the official video demo.
[Thanks, Lloyd N.]