Nintendo 3DS escapes production line, strikes a pose with Yoshi (video)
No, not that Yoshi, but the real, officially licensed critter with a penchant for chomping Goombas and dropping eggs. Nintendo's 3DS handheld has, according to 3DS Buzz, been stolen from a Chinese manufacturing factory and leaked all over the Internet. This version is a little different than what we saw at E3 and even the "official" version from the September 29th announcement, the Select, Home, and Start buttons having been made flush into the screen bezel. Also, a 1300mAh battery is confirmed, as is 96MB of RAM. We have another picture of it below, showing it's size compared to everything from a Game Boy Micro to a DSi XL, nicely demonstrating that Nintendo's new hotness is a little bit smaller than even a standard DSi. That's progress for ya, folks.
Update: David T. wrote in with a video of the thing in action -- well, in non-action, really. It's embedded below, and as you can see the poor backless 3DS is decidedly non-functional.
[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]