
Microsoft Zune is dying, long live Microsoft Zune?

In all the Microkia hub-bub of late, as the best of Redmond and the pride of Tampere hold hands and blaze a trail to smartphone domination, the word "Zune" never once came up. This didn't escape the notice of many, including MS guru Paul Thurrott and ZDNet's Mary-Jo Foley, who inquired to someone at Microsoft about just what's going on -- whether indeed the brand is indeed being killed off. This is the non-denial that came back:

We're not 'killing' any of the Zune services/features in any way. Microsoft remains committed to providing a great music and video experience from Zune on platforms such as Xbox LIVE, Windows-based PCs, Zune devices and Windows Phone 7, as well as integration with Bing and MSN.

It's unclear what exactly is happening, especially when it comes to dedicated Zune hardware and services like Zune Pass, but it certainly seems like "Zune" as a brand is on its last legs. Feel free to share your favorite memories below, and try not to cry, because our hearts... our hearts will go on.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]