
InstallFree Nexus offers cloud-based Office to iPad

It's not easy for iPad owners to edit and share native Office 2010 apps on their tablets. Since Microsoft hasn't released an iPad version of Office, Office users must choose between App Store alternatives and online services like Onlive Desktop. Customers looking for a new service should take a closer look at the web-based InstallFree Nexus.

Nexus uses virtualization to serve up Office 2010 to customers and is compatible with the iPad's mobile Safari browser. Besides editing, the service also lets customers store and share files using third-party services like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Office 365. Because it is a web app, Nexus is available across different desktop and mobile platforms.

InstallFree Nexus will come out of beta and launch publicly in August. When it launches, Nexus will offer both a free, basic subscription and a paid premium plan. The basic service will provide LibreOffice for document management, Microsoft Office file viewing and third-party file storage options.

The premium account will give customers all the features above, along with a subscription license to Microsoft Office 2012. It'll cost US$5 a month for academic users and $20 a month for all other users. If you sign up now for the service, you will receive a free 60-day subscription to the premium version.

[Via CNET]