
TERA entices players to buy boxed copies with a totally sweet lion

Sorry, I was waiting on a panther.

You are a discerning consumer. You've looked at the the box for TERA many a time, and you've said to yourself, "I would enjoy this game... but not yet. No, I want to wait until buying this box gives me an awesome lion to ride around as a mount. I will name her Karen." If this sounds like you, good news! Your oddly specific desire has been rewarded with the game's newest promotion!

So how do you go about getting this completely awesome lion mount, technically referred to by the game as the tawny huntress? You just buy a boxed copy of the game and enter the authorization code backwards. The promotion also rewards you with two emeralds and two semi-enigmatic scrolls, but the lion is the centerpiece. However, this promotion is only valid for boxed copies of the game bought on or after December 12th. If you already have a box, you're a bit out of luck, but anyone waiting on a free lion has just lucked out.