
Sunday Morning Funnies: Countdown

Sara & Kleeyo

Sunday Morning Funnies is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

This week, in comics: A lucrative invention. A doubter's paradise. A vegetarian. Baby wearing. Plus: Holiday wishes and reflections.

On the list this week, several comics have posted holiday-themed specials. Gratz has a Christmas special, and Sara & Kleeyo (as partially pictured above) has done a Winter Veil themed comic. Plus, Away From Reality has already posted a New Year's comic!

Gnomeregan Forever has a new extra up, and will return to Shattershore in mid January. Last week, if you missed it, Gnomeregan Forever ran a Christmas special, which is definitely a must-read.

You should also make sure to check out Kibble & Bit, which features something a little different this week.

Finally, Lackinganame posted the answer to last week's trivia question in last week's comments section, so check it out if you were stumped!

Happy holidays, all!