
How to Use Behind the Scenes Content for Marketing

White laptop with coffee cup on old wooden table.

Creating branded content that stands out among the masses of digital messages takes some strategy. There is more than one right way to do it – and behind the scenes content should be part of your marketing planning. When used effectively, behind the scenes content humanizes your company and shows that your brand knows how to have a good time. Behind the scenes content helps all businesses grow and thrive and is essential to build trust and relationships.

Wondering where to start? Here are some types of behind the scenes content that are a good fit for any brand:

Showing Off Your Team

Prospective customers like to see how well your team truly works together. A culture of friendship leads to synergy in all things that your team does. Upload brief profiles of your employees, or your employees at work on the phone or in the factory. This is a good way to highlight the character of your company. If you're fun or goofy, you can show that to your audience. If you're more serious, that's okay. Show what your company looks like as it works and give customers a behind-the-scenes peak at what goes into your products or services.

Highlighting Progress

Share your company successes, from new office openings to team trainings. This gives customers a chance to look at what you're up to while inspiring confidence that you are succeeding. Make sure to tag and praise your employees, also. A team that feels involved and appreciated creates a happier environment and a company culture of doing more than what is required.

Being Funny

There isn't a person out there who doesn't love to laugh. If you can make your customers laugh, you will create an emotional connection with them. Funny content ranks in the top three kinds of posts that elicit an emotional connection with people, according to BuzzSumo, so go ahead and be a little silly. Your customers will remember you for it.

Teaching Something

What is it that your business does better than everyone else? What do you know that your customers may not? When you take customers on a behind the scenes journey into sports, or hobbies, or even the best use of your products, they come away with more knowledge that they associate with your brand.

Getting Personal

Sharing personal moments shows that you are human – and shows your personality. This is the perfect way to clearly show that you are someone your audience can relate to and trust. Be the positive person you want to be around and then get to work. If you have a child starting Kindergarten or heading off to college, figure out a video post where you can talk about your journey. If you have a personal connection to a cause your business supports, like cancer research or conservation, make a video of the "why" behind it. Connect to what you do in a personal way and let your customers see your emotional investment.

As you come up with behind the scenes content, remember that it needs to serve your audience and provide value. Value-driven content builds trust, sparks relationships, and grows connections with your prospective customers. Think of yourself as a value provider and then consider what makes your customers tick. Focus on providing that service.

Are you taking full advantage of behind the scenes content and how it can help your business?